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7 Tips for Safer and Better Maintenance Of Trailers

Maintaining your trailer can be difficult if you don’t know what you should be closely looking at. We've jotted down a list of 7 simple maintenance tips for trailers which help your trailer to be safe and last longer. 1. Close attention to a new trailer  The most critical time in a new trailer’s life is its initial in-service check and first month’s “shakedown.” An owner/driver should be alert for underinflated tires and threaded fasteners that may have loosened from factory-torque settings. 2. Check payload is secure and evenly distributed Putting the payload in an uneven distribution in your trailer can lead to a lot of mechanical defects in future. This can lead to excess wear and tear of tires and also hamper your axles and suspensions. 3. Wheel Bearing Health Wheel bearings sustain more abuse than we can imagine. Check wheel bearings as required once per year or every 100,000 miles as recommended by your trailer component manufacturer. Not only m...

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